This past week we went to Colorado for 4 days for a wedding reception of one of Nate's friends from high school. It was our first time really traveling with Nolan and let me tell's a lot of work! He did wonderfully, but it's still a lot of work! We flew out of LAX on Thursday morning and 3 minutes into the shuttle ride to the airport Nolan had projectile vomited all over me. Lovely! I had plenty of outfits packed in our carry-on for Nolan, but not any extra for me. Thank goodness we still had access to our bags, otherwise the people sitting around us on the plane wouldn't be too happy about the smell permeating from me!
We got off the shuttle, walked into the United terminal and was greeted by a massively long line. By the time we got our boarding passes, went through security and arrived at our gate the flight was already boarding. We found our seats and settled in, not sure what to expect from Nolan, but he did awesome! He didn't seem to notice that anything was different and he fell asleep midway through the flight. After a quick two hours we had landed in Denver and were greeted by warm weather and sunshine.

Nolan on the plane
After getting the rental car and finding our hotel we headed out to meet a Westmont friend and her family for dinner. It was good to catch up and see their little boy, who is almost a year old. After dinner we went back to our hotel for the night to try and get some sleep!

Hanging out in the hotel room
The next day we cruised around downtown Denver. We hung out in the world's largest REI store (well, I don't know that for sure, but it was really big!), had lunch at Proto's Pizza with Chris and Tank, and then wandered down 16th street. That night we went to the Old Spaghetti Factory (one of our favorites) for dinner.

Outside of REI with Starbucks in hand

Hanging out in the stroller
The following morning we got up and drove to Red Rocks Amphitheater. It was beautiful! We then drove around Highlands Ranch before heading back to the hotel to watch the second half of the USC-Notre Dame football game, thankfully the Trojans won! Then it was time to head to the wedding reception, the reason we came out to Denver in the first place. On our way we drove past the house and neighborhood that Nate grew up in. It was fun to actually see the places that I have heard so much about over the years.

With Mama at Redrocks

With Daddy

View of the amphitheater

The following morning we packed up and headed home. Nolan did great once again, he really is so easy most of the time. It was a great trip, but we were tired! It's a lot of work!