Friday, May 14, 2010

Squinty Face

This is Nolan's new facial expression that he makes ALL THE TIME! We crack up every time he does it, which just leads him to do it again and again.
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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Why are we leaving?

Memories, experiences and pictures like this make me never want to leave the South Bay. Too bad we are moving in a little more than a month. What are we thinking??

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Mohawk City

Nolan's hair is getting so long! We had a little fun the last time we took a bath. I think he pulls the mohawk look off very well. He might need to lose the smile though, so he looks a little tougher. :)

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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Balls, Balls, Balls

At our Mommy and Me class there is a little sandbox that is filled with balls. The kids love it! Nolan loves it! We decided to get him one for his first birthday. We got a it a little early because we wanted to have it for his birthday party so all his little friends had something to play in. He was so excited when we brought it home!
I had to get in and try it out too!

I think this picture is my favorite! Look at his smile!

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Striped PJ's

Is there anything cuter than a baby in footed PJ's?? Especially ones with stripes?

Look at that tush!

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A Hot Mess

Enjoy these next few pictures! Now that Nolan's hair is so long, this is what he looks like when he wakes up! Poor guy...

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Movin On Up

Nolan moved into his new car seat a couple of weeks ago! We had this seat before he was born, but we had been using an infant car seat. It was great when he didn't weigh a lot and when he would fall asleep easily in the car. But he was just getting too big for his old seat and he never really fell asleep in the car anymore, so it was time. He really likes it because he can see out the windows so much easier!
Such a big boy!
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A lot has happened in the last month! Before I post about Nolan being 1 year (gasp!) and his birthday bash, I need to play catch up. I swear I just got caught up, but then I didn't blog again for a month! When will I learn?
Ok, getting us started is Easter...
Nolan with his basket. Aren't sweater vests the best for babies??
Ohh...what's this??

Eating o's from his new bowl and drinking from his new cup

For Easter we tried a new (to us) church is Redondo Beach and really really liked it. We both left wishing we had discovered it when we first moved to the area. It made our upcoming move to Washington even more bittersweet. After church we went home and all took a nap. Then we went to over to a friend's house for a BBQ. Unfortunately, Nate was on call that weekend and not long after getting there we had to leave because he was called into the hospital.
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Happy Birthday Nolan!

This little guy turned one on Saturday. He really enjoyed the cake.
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