It was so good to spend time with my mom and sisters a couple of weeks ago! It was especially great to see them with Nolan; he just ate up all the love and attention! They arrived on a Wednesday and went straight to their hotel right near Disneyland. I met them there with Nolan and we spent the day by the pool! (One of the nice things about Southern California in November.) In the evening, we walked over to Downtown Disney for dinner. That night Veronica came back to our house and we geared up for Day 1 at Disneyland.
Nate was able to take Thursday off, so we all drove to the hotel and met up with the family for our first day at the park. Disneyland was decorated for Christmas and it was beautiful. Thankfully, it wasn't very crowded so we were able to go on a lot of rides! Nolan went on quite a few and the ones he wasn't allowed to go on we just did a baby swap, which worked out great. After a few hours at Dland we headed over to California Adventure. The girls (and Nate) had a great time on Tower of Terror and other rides that were way too scary for me! After a long day we headed home, this time with Sarah and Veronica with us for the night.
I'll admit I was a little nervous about day 2 at Dland. Nate wasn't going to be with us and I wasn't sure how Nolan would do with a second day of not being able to crawl and move around so much, but he did great! Plus, my mom and sisters were so helpful, holding him and entertaining him throughout the day. My Grandma Marie, Aunt Elaine and her daughter Amber came and met us for the day as well. We spent the first half of the day at Dland and then headed back over to California Adventure to end the day.
That night everyone was at our house...11 people in all! It was a little crowded, but a lot of fun! The next day Grandma and Elaine drove back to SB and the rest of us headed out to explore. We went for a walk on the beach and let the little ones play for awhile. While they played Nate and the twins had the pleasure of taking Cooper to the vet, because of her bout with explosive diarrhea (sorry- that's probably too much information, but there really isn't another way to put it) the night before that woke us up. She is fine now, thank goodness! I'll tell you though, one of the few nights Nolan sleeps great and the darn dog wakes us up! I'm starting to go a bit loony from the seven months of sleep deprivation. Anyways, after time at the park we headed to The Grove in Los Angeles, so the little girls could visit The American Girl Doll store...according to my mom it is one of only three in the whole country! After the mall we came home and watched the Oregon Ducks beat Arizona in double overtime...what a game!
The next day we headed to Venice Beach to see all of the colorful people, and let me tell you it didn't disappoint! We walked around and let the kids play on the bars and swings. That night be headed to another mall near our house to walk around and do a little shopping. Sarah and I first went to Borders to hear The Pioneer Woman speak!! I was going to get my cookbook signed as well, but there were so many people we decided to head out and meet up with the rest of the family.
All of the sudden it was Monday, the day they were heading home. Thankfully they didn't leave until the evening so we got to spend most of the day together. The trip went by so quickly, but it was so so so good to see them! Hopefully we will be making a trip up to Bend to see them again soon!

Mom with all her girls and grandbaby


Nolan with Daddy on his very first Disneyland ride

Sisters and Nate on the teacups

Nolan sleeping through a ride on Peter Pan with Aunt Sarah

Nolan on the carousel with Daddy...I think he likes it!

Nolan and Sarah making funny faces...something they are both good at!

Another ride with Daddy

After a soaking wet water ride at NIGHT

Telling Santa what they want for Christmas

Look at all the girls...Nate must be glad we had a boy!

Auntie Callie and Nolan

Jenny "hanging" out in Venice Beach