Here's what Nolan is up to at 6 months:
- You weigh 17 pounds 6 ounces, which is at the 50 percentile
- You are 27 1/4 inches long, 87 percentile
- You are wearing size 2-3 diapers
- Depending on the brand you are wearing 3-6 mo, 9 mo, or 6-12 mo clothing right now
- You have perfected sitting up! We don't have to guard you with our hands nearly as much and if you fall over you are starting to catch yourself.
- In just the last couple of days you have started to army crawl/scoot. If you see a cell phone, remote control or a water bottle you take off after it! You aren't moving too far or too quickly yet, but I am sure it is only a matter of days! Mom and Dad need to start baby-proofing the house quickly!

- You took your first plane ride (to Colorado) and did a great job!
- You went to your first wedding (two of them!)
- Sleep keeps getting better and better. You rarely wake up 3 times a night now (thank goodness!) and the last few nights you have only woken up once!! Hopefully I didn't jinx it by writing that.
- You now have 3 teeth! Your top right lateral incisor came in and you have four more (3 on top and 1 on the bottom) coming in anytime now. Even with all those teeth coming in you are still a happy baby! It doesn't seem to be bothering you.
- You have now tried many different baby foods. Likes: sweet potatoes, butternut squash, peas, bananas. Dislikes: pears, prunes, green beans. Most days you are eating 2 meals of solid food.
- You have completed your first 5k! Mom and Dad pushed you in the Santa Monica 5000 while you slept.
- For your first Halloween you were a giraffe. You got a lot of use out of your costume by going to the pumpkin patch twice, the Robinson Elementary Halloween parade (where Mom used to work) and on Halloween we took you out to dinner and for a walk around Manhattan Beach!
- We love you so much and have the best time with you! This month you finally get to meet your other Grandma and your Aunt Sarah, Veronica, Callista and Jenny!

You are growing up too fast! Grandpa and Grandma Lynch want to visit again soon but Texas is a long way away. We have to get on an airplane to come see you. Your daddy was a little younger than you when he had his first airplane ride. He was only 5 weeks old. And landing hurt his ears. Glad you had a good trip. Love you, Nolan.
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