Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Santa Monica 5000

Last summer before I was pregnant with Nolan, Nate and I were in pretty good running shape.  We had just finished the San Francisco half-marathon and were looking for another one to run in the fall.  Then we found out I was pregnant.  I still ran those first few weeks, but I took it nice and easy. Then morning (ALL DAY!) sickness took over for ten long weeks and my weekly miles faded away and stayed gone until just recently.  Lately, we have been wanting to start up again and with our awesome new jogging stroller we have the chance.  We are running a 5k in October and Nolan will be joining us as well!  The couch to 5k plan is assisting us in getting back in shape.  It is super easy and starts with a mix of running and walking which is a great way to ease my out of shape legs and stretched out tummy back into the swing of things.  Nolan seems to enjoy his jogging stroller, most of the time he falls asleep!

About to go for a run...

1 comment:

  1. I'll probably have to keep the couch warm and the dogs company during your runs in a couple of weeks!
