Our sweet boy is 9 months old! He is full of energy and in constant motion. He keeps us on our toes! Here is what he is up to at 9 months:
- He weighs 19 lb 1 oz, (25 percentile) and is 29 1/2 in long (90 percentile). His weight has definitely dropped off a bit, but it isn't too surprising because he doesn't stay in the same place for more than 30 seconds.
- Still wearing size 3 diapers.
- He is wearing 6-12 months clothes, although his pants are starting to get a little short!
- He is eating three meals a day (most days), but now that he is 9 months I am trying to buckle down and makes sure he gets three meals a day, everyday.
- Still waking up 1-2 times a night, but it seems like we have more nights with only 1 waking, especially lately.
- New foods include: yogurt, cauliflower, chicken, and many others, it is hard keeping up with all of it!
- Nolan has completely given up army crawling and is crawling the "normal" way now. It was sad to see it go away, but he gets around pretty quick! He seems to have two speeds, normal and turbo. He loves to turbo crawl to Daddy every night when he gets home from work.

- He pulls himself to a standing position on everything! The couch, coffee table, kitchen chairs, and especially in his crib. He loves standing up! His balance is getting much better and he is able to stand for quite awhile.
- Took a weekly "swimming" class in January and he loved the water!
- Took our first trip to the Aquarium of the Pacific. Loved looking at all the fish! More in another post...
- Still loves to play with things that are not actually toys, like remote controls. He also loves to pull books off of the shelves and take the covers off!
I can't believe how fast his first year is going by! We already have his 12 month appointment scheduled which doesn't seem possible. We enjoy every minute with our little guy and look forward to celebrating many more milestones.

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